Main line of the scientific inquiry: 

Chemistry of Russian oils, physicochemical fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery and transformations of oils and their natural components.

Within this frame the problems are solved as follows:

  • Establishment of the regularities governing the formation of the component composition of oils and identification of the structure of the oil disperse systems. 

  • Development of the scientific fundamentals of the non-traditional methods for enhanced oil recovery: physicochemical control of seepages, water cut reduction, microbiological reservoir treatment.

  • Study into the mechanisms of the structure formation and rheology of oil disperse systems in the processes of hydrocarbon recovery, transportation and treatment.

  • Physicochemical bases of creation of new materials and technologies of their application to solve the environmental problems of petrochemistry and oil refining, study into the methods of production and properties of metal nanopowders.

  • Development of geoinformation systems on oil chemistry and geology as well as of GIS-technologies to solve the environmental problems and the problems of the sustainable region development. Analysis and ecological assessment of the technologies of production and application of petrochemicals.
