The Library of the IPC SB RAS 

Head of the Library

Elena V. Golubeva

Phone: 7(3822) 491522


Standardization Engineer

Ludmila V. Strogova

Phone: 7(3822) 491522


The Library of the IPC SB RAS was founded in 1970. 

Over the course of these years the library stock was formed, consisting of 54203 copies including 15003 copies of foreign editions, 2256 copies of special editions.

The Library is an organizational part of the Institute and conforms its activity to the objectives of the Institute. To meet the needs of the researches and specialists in the scientific literature, new books are purchased, more than 60 titles of foreign and Russian periodicals and 6 series of abstracts journals are received via subscription. The main information edition is 'Referativniy Zhurnal Khimiya' (Abstracts Journal of Chemistry), which is available since 1956.

The Library is a participant of the Tomsk Regional Information Library Consortium. Being a part of the organizational chart of the libraries of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IPC Library participates in Springer-Verlag, Elsevier, Kluwer-Plenum, Academic Press and other consortia. This provides for the access to the foreign journals and databases.

The literature is acquired by the specialties as follows: 

The periodicals are being acquired since 1956-1960

The following Russian journals are of the most interest: 

 Abstracts Journals:

Foreign journals are represented by more than 40 titles. At present the following journals are the most popular: 

The library service is provided through lending, in the reading room and through interlibrary lending. Thanks to the World Wide Web system, the interlibrary lending orders are performed by e-mail and electronic delivery.