The Laboratory of heteroorganic petroleum compounds

Head of the Laboratory

Prof. Raisa S. Min


 Phone: 7 (3822) 492034; 491959

The field of the scientific interest: study of the composition, structure and properties of sulfur-containing crude oil compounds, chemistry of donor-acceptor interactions in non-aqueous multicomponent organic mixtures. Extensive studies to establish theoretical and applied bases of using metal halogenides to isolate oil components from complex organic mixtures and to apply theoretical concepts of complex formation in the practice of isolation and analysis of oil systems have been carried out under her direction. 

Research fields:

Study of the composition, structure, properties, processes and mechanisms of the transformation of heteroatomic components of the crude oils and other hydrocarbon systems:

Main results of basic research:

Applied research:

The methods for the isolation of heteroatomic components from natural and technogenic feedstock have been developed. These methods are of importance when providing the scientific fundamentals for the technologies of extracting and manufacturing products of a desired composition to be purposefully used in different branches of the national economy, for example:

Leading staff:


Prof. Tatiana A. Sagachenko

Senior Researcher

Phone: 7 (3822) 492144

 The field of the scientific interest: research of the nature and specific properties of nitrogen-containing oil compounds and other caustobioliths. A complex of methods allowing one to isolate bases, weak bases and neutral nitrogen compounds from complex organic mixtures, to study the relationships between the distribution, composition and structure of nitrogen-containing oil components differing by geologic and geochemical parameters of the reservoirs, to reveal the trends of the transformation of native nitrogen compounds under the conditions of catagenesis, biodegradation, production and processing of petroleum feedstock has been developed. The researches performed are of importance to solve fundamental problems of oil genesis, to establish the scientific fundamentals of the selection of the technologies for enhanced oil recovery in producing horizons and the ways of refining of the crude oil produced at the individual fields, to competently use the organic nitrogen compounds. 

Prof.  Vladimir R. Antipenko

 Leading Researcher 

Phone: 7 (3822) 492144

 The field of the scientific interest: the study of the molecular composition of crude oil porphyrins and the methods for their isolation and analysis; the possibilities of their practical application; research of the distribution of different classes of crude oil compounds using the integral parts of oil dispersion systems (dispersed phase and dispersion medium). The investigation results allow one to extend the knowledge of the role, place and properties of different types of heteroatomic compounds in petroleum dispersed systems and to explain their behavior under reservoir conditions, at the processes of crude oil recovery, transport and refining.

The Laboratory numbers 15 employees, including 3 Professors, 3 Doctors of Sciences, 2 engineers and 3 post-graduate students

 Equipment available at the laboratory: liquid chromatographs  (L 4000 W, Yanaco), a gas chromatograph (Tsvet 500M) equipped with the system of automatic data collection and computer-aided data processing, an automated device provided for the determination of molecular masses, UV-spectrophotometer ‘Specord UV-VIS’.